IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Real Hospitality Group will follow the below position on upgrades to the Windows 10 Operating System. Please do not accept any "free" upgrades or offers to install the program onto your computer, until such time that you are advised by Real Hospitality Group and Impact Technology Group. (RHG corporate computers will be addressed when appropriate and you will be notified at that time) Additionally, property users are directed to follow the direction of their brand and related IT service providers. Initial rollouts of these systems can have adverse impact your your computer, networking and functionality.
With Microsoft's new operating system being released, it is important to realize that although the latest and greatest may be tempting, we would like everyone to refrain from upgrading until any issues with the operating system are ironed out.
Microsoft has offered Windows 10 as a FREE upgrade to users of Windows 7 and Windows 8, so this is something we needed to pass on to everyone as a PSA. While we would love to upgrade everyone to Windows 10 ASAP, it is important that we maintain the operability of your systems and without fully testing and vetting the operating system, there is no telling what types of quirks there may be with line of business (LOB) software as well as any issues there may be with certain hardware that is running on your network.
It is for this reason that we would like to urge everyone to refrain from upgrading for several months. In the initial roll out stages of Windows 10, we will not be able to guarantee uptime and minimal issues with hardware and LOB software.
If there are any questions or concerns about this PSA, feel free to give us a call and we would be more than happy to speak with you about it and schedule a time in the coming months to plan testing and a roll out for your distinct network infrastructure and software.