Real Hospitality Group has been involved with ECPAT-USA and supports The Code, using our sphere of influence to help put an end to child trafficking and prostitution in the lodging industry. The international efforts have helped save the lives of children and critical to the process is having our associates understand "The Code" and how they can make a difference. Since 2011, RHG has worked closely with ECPAT-USA and been instrumental in the prgrams now offered through the AHLA's Educational Institute, and was the first hotel management company to execute functional training for management and line level associates at the hotel level.
Training classes for the Fall have been lined up, with hotel level programs scheduled at the New York City hotels in September , and for the Mid-Altantic hotels in October. Matt West is the instructor and will confirm the dates with each property on the schedule. Look for more information at your hotel over the next three weeks.